Assuming that you're also a human and have had a similar face-palm experience at some point, then you've most likely met some people that have totally rubbed you the wrong way. For some reason, they just drive you up the wall. They can say things that seemed rude and hurtful. In the Book of Mormon, Mormon is writing his last words. He is one of the last of his people left and his enemies, the Lamanites, have been hunting for him. He knows he will soon be killed. We tend to value people's last words. If you knew it was the last thing you would say, you want to make it important, right? Mormon's last chapter that he writes is addressed to the descendants of the Lamanites, his enemies.
What does that mean for us? In this chapter, Mormon invites the Lamanites to believe in Christ. He knows that the Lamanites alive at his time won't accept the gospel, but he hopes that their descendants will. He wants them to find true happiness. Speaking of Christ, he says, "And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world, whereby he that is found guiltless before him at the judgement day hath it given unto to him to dwell in the presence of God in his kingdom, to sing ceaseless praises with the choirs above, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, which are one God, in a state of happiness which hath no end. Therefore repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus, and lay hold upon the gospel of Christ..." (Mormon 6:7-8).
A few things about this:
- First, just a reminder that Mormon is writing to his enemies. The Lamanites have killed off almost all of Mormon's people, meaning his friends and family are gone. Yet, he still wants them to find true happiness. How can that be?? He should be infuriated! This shows us that the more Christ-like you are, you become much harder to offend.
- Next, this statement, if you look closely, it's a cause and effect statement. Look at the part I italicized. Normally, we think of repenting as the cause and being saved as the effect. However, it should be the other way around. We have such a great opportunity, to live in the presence of Almighty God! That alone should motivate to try a little harder to be a little better.
- Finally, look at the part I put in bold. I know one big debate in religion is about the state of the Godhead. They are separate, yet one? How is that possible??
Now, have we become one big blob of matter? Nope. Are we ever going to? No again. This simply means that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose. They are united in what They do, just as we should be. We should unite ourselves with good people who believe in good things. We are big fans of the buddy system here! Find someone with a desire to do and be good and stick together. Only if we are united as a group can we unite with God, becoming one with His purpose and will for us. I don't know about you, but if I had to pick someone's intuition and will to trust and unite with, I believe that our loving Heavenly Father, God Almighty, sounds like a pretty wonderful option :)