If your life has been anything like mine, you probably ran into an immature boy or two or a few hundred. I'm sure there's also been one of those boys who chose to share the shortest verse of scripture ever written as a spiritual thought. That shortest verse happens to be John 11:35, and it has now become one of my new favorites.
So here's the background story on this verse. Lazarus, one of Jesus's friends, gets sick and passes away. The Jews believe that the spirit lingers around the body for three days. But by the time Jesus gets there, it's already been 4-5 days. Mary and Martha both tell Jesus that if He has only gotten there sooner, Lazarus wouldn't have died and they start to weep. Cue John 11:35
"Jesus wept."
The shortest verse in words, but the longest in meaning.
He doesn't just get teary-eyed or let out a little sigh. He weeps. Why? I think there are several possibilities. He could be demonstrating the scripture that says to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. We also weep about things we care about. But I think the answer I like best is that He can feel our mourning and sadness. He understands the sufferings inside our hearts, and I think He sincerely wants us to be happy. It pains Him when we are in pain. He loves us so much!
Now on with the story. Jesus asks some of the others to move the stone. He certainly could have done it Himself, but I think He wanted the focus to be on the rising Lazarus. But this also makes a beautiful Atonement symbol. In our lives, sometimes we do bad things. Sometimes our choices turn out to be not so great. But if we want to get on with our lives, we must be the ones to move the stone blocking the way of the Savior. There is no stone big enough that can block you from the power of the Atonement. Once we let Him in, He can bring us back to life. He can restore us and help us return to a happy and healthy life.
Guys, I believe this is true. I really do. But that's not going to make one bit of difference if you don't do anything about it. This is a gospel of action! As was stated in one of my favorite movies: "Life's not a spectator sport. If watching is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without you." Right now is the time to turn that life of yours around. Let Him in.
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